OBO products offer certified fire protection
Each German federal state has its own construction laws with corresponding fire protection requirements. These technical construction requirements can be found in the administrative regulations of the German federal states.
These construction laws state that construction products and types must be suitable and usable for fire protection applications. The so-called "Proofs of application" define the suitability and application and are based on the executed fire tests, an appropriate classification of the systems and the resulting certificates.
Testing and classification standards
Insulation systems are tested and approved according to the German standard DIN 4102 Part 9 with the fire resistance classes "S30" to "S90". The proofs of application are "General construction approvals" or, according to the latest state construction laws, so-called "General construction type approvals".
Whilst the German testing standard not only describes the test per se, but also the classification, these criteria are viewed separately in the European standards: According to EN 1366 Part 3 , the test structure is erected and the test carried out on the basis of EN 1363 Part 1 .

The test results are then classified according to EN 13501 Part 2 . For this, the determined fire resistance classes are divided up into the end of room ("E") and the insulation effect ("I"). In turn, this produces various fire resistance classes, such as "EI90". Here, "90" stands for the fire resistance period in minutes (as in the German short designation).
By contrast, the European proof of application is a "European Technical Evaluation" of the construction product. This means that the appropriate construction product is combined with other components of the fire protection system into a construction type. In such cases in Germany, German construction law also requires a general type approval.
All the insulation systems from OBO Bettermann possess these proofs of application, as required by construction law, and are thus suitable for installation and use in Germany-wide construction products.
Fire protection ducts and cable systems for the maintenance of electrical function in the event of fire
Maintenance of electrical function is required legally for all structures, in which many people meet. These include hospitals, hotels, underground railway systems or tunnels, for example.
Here, it must be ensured that safety-relevant electrical systems continue to be supplied without interruption if there is a fire. Such installations, be they fire protection ducts or cable support systems, are tested and evaluated according to DIN 4102 Part 12 . During the fire test, neither electrical short-circuits nor cable interruptions may occur.
Here, fire protection ducts use their "lining" to protect the internally routed cables against fire and thus protect their electrical function. Cable systems with integrated maintenance of electrical functionality are used to route specially constructed safety cables on defined cable support systems or within specific steel fastening agents (for example, in the form of clips or grouped supports). Thanks to a chemical reaction of the insulation materials used, they protect the electrical function when there is an open fire in the fire chamber.
The classification according to DIN is "E30", "E60" and "E90". Here, the "E" stands for electricity, and the number provides additional information on the period of electrical functionality maintenance. The structural proofs of application of the systems are called "General construction test certificates".

There is currently no comparable European testing standard for such cable systems. However, according to EN 13501 , the abbreviation for a such a classification has already been specified. It is "P" (Power). Often, the "E" for maintaining electrical function according to DIN is confused with the European "E" for the end of a room. Particular care is required here! However, the German standard is accepted as the basis in many European countries.
Installation ducts in escape and rescue routes.
Fire protection ducts protect escape and rescue routes against the effects of a cable fire. They "encapsulate" the fire load of the burning components of the electrical cables and ensure that, during a cable fire, neither fire nor smoke can enter the escape routes.
Thus, if there is a fire, the escape and rescue routes remain intact and usable to endangered people. The German testing standard is DIN 4102 Part 11 with the classifications "I30" to "I120".
The proof of application can be a general construction test certificate. This is issued for constructions of shape-stable fire protection ducts made from plate material. In the same way, the proof can be issued on the basis of a general construction approval, if the function of the fire protection duct is based on reactive materials.

Comparable on a European scale are installation ducts, tested on the basis of EN 1366 Part 5 . In an analogue manner to the insulation, according to EN 13501 Part 2 , the classifications of these ducts are called "EI30" to "EI120". The construction law proof of application is again the "European Technical Evaluation".
Fire protection only with proof of application
OBO Bettermann always ensures that the fire protection systems on offer possess valid classifications corresponding to the current standard and are equipped with the proofs of application recognised by the construction law. Many systems are certified not only in Germany, but also at testing institutes in other European countries, thus proving the application and suitability of the products.
In this way, neither planners nor installation engineers expose themselves to any risks. This is because the certificates issued guarantee the acceptance of the erected and installed systems ‒ assuming, however, an orderly installation conforming to the approval.
Should deviations from the proof of application occur during installation, our experts for special solutions are available to assist with your personal installation situation. Thus, OBO ensures tested installation, conforming to the approval, at all times!