Noch nie war die Planung einer Kabelbelegung einfacher!

Entdecken Sie die OBO Construct Tools.

Hier geht es zu OBO Construct

Plan cable assignments with OBO Construct

This tool helps you to find the right products for your specific cable assignment and to calculate the appropriate volume of cables for it.


Within a project, the planning tool makes it possible to calculate the cable volume both for cable support systems and for underfloor ducts and trunking. Various assignment parameters, such as the installation location, support spacing, level of assignment, as well as the quantity and type of cables can be selected, leading the user, step by step, to the selection of products.
Then, the cable assignment can be configured in detail, for example through the movement of individual cables.  

What are the benefits of the planning tool for cable assignment?

  • Calculate the cable assignment both for cable support systems and for underfloor duct or trunking
  • Selection of different assignment parameters
  • Creation of individual cable types possible
  • Contains standard cable list
  • Optimised depiction of the support distances for each system