External lightning protection for photovoltaic systems
The inclusion of a PV system into the existing lightning protection concept of a building is often neglected during refitting work. This significantly increases the risk of considerable damage through a direct lightning strike. For public buildings, for example, the state construction regulations require an external lightning protection system as fire and personal protection.
Complete product range, decades of experience
With our comprehensive product portfolio and our decades of experience in the field of lightning and surge protection, we can offer the right solution for almost any PV system. Our products are tested in accordance with the relevant standard by highly qualified specialists in our own OBO BET Test Centre. This means that with OBO, operators of photovoltaic systems are always on the safe side.
The OBO product range for the external lightning protection of PV systems comprises, amongst other things:
- Air-termination rods
- Rod holders
- Ridge conductor holders
- Roof conductor holder for ridge tiles
- Roof conductor holders for various roofing types
- Cable brackets
- Round and flat conductors
Four materials
Our products are available in four different materials:
- Steel, hot-dip galvanised
- Copper
- Aluminium
- Stainless steel

PV systems: What differences are there?
- PV system without external lightning protection
- PV system with external lightning protection and sufficient separation distance
- PV system with external lightning protection and without sufficient separation distance