Cassettes - unlikely all-rounder
FAQs on cassettes?
Which basic types are available?
Blanking lid

Cord outlet

Tube body

Tube body lid variants

How many installation devices can be installed in the cassettes?

How high must the floor structure be?
Height-adjustable cassettes with device installation can be installed for floor heights from 105 mm. Inspection cassettes without device installation can be installed in a floor height of 100 mm or more.
Specially decoupled, height-adjustable cassettes for screed installation can be installed from floor heights of just 90 mm, including device installation.
What are the load capacities of the cassettes?
Standard cassettes for use in buildings with normal load requirements are designed for traffic loads of up to 3,000 Newtons – according to the requirements of EN 50085-2-2. For high load requirements, such as those in car dealerships, airports or railway station buildings, there are heavy-duty cassette solutions designed for loads up to 20 Kilonewtons (2,000 kg). These values are tested according to the heavy-duty classification OBO SL.
How do cassettes behave with regard to noise transmission in underfloor systems?
Decoupled, height-adjustable cassettes can help to ensure that there is no worsening of noise transmission in insulated floor systems. They can be installed in screed floors or in system floors and wooden beam ceilings. Basically, the noise transmission of cassettes in the overall underfloor system should be regarded in conjunction with the floor system, as they are a system component of the floor construction. If cassettes are installed in screed sockets, then they should also be decoupled.
What types of floor care are possible?
The different construction types of the cassettes allow dry, moist and wet care and are, to some extent, also suitable for floors requiring mechanical cleaning. With wet-care floor coverings, requirements (from the DIN EN 50085-2-2) mean that service outlets with tube body are to be used for device installation.