ISO 9001 – Quality management
Quality and customer satisfaction, efficiency and rapid reactions are some of the key factors for being successful on the marketplace. For this reason, we at OBO have been certified according to ISO 9001 since 1995, continually improving our processes and regularly inspecting our quality through audits. The ISO 9001 standard specifies the minimum requirements for OBO, which we wish to fulfil with our products and services. With this national standard as a benchmark, we are able to increase productivity and economy, keep quality to the usual high level and position ourselves as a top-level supplier for existing and new global markets.
ISO 14001 – Environmental management
The aim of our environmental management system is to record, evaluate and continually improve the specific environmental impacts and environmental regulations relevant to the company. As an international standard, ISO 14001 offers the structure and framework for OBO.

ISO 45001 – Health & Safety
For us, healthy, motivated employees are the key to sustainable, economic actions. The standard ISO 45001 is our guide to workplace safety and health protection. With certification according to the internationally recognised standard, we also show that OBO meets its social responsibility and makes every effort to reduce the risk of injuries, accidents and workplace sickness amongst the employees as far as possible.
ISO – Energy management
As an internationally active company, OBO has a great responsibility. We are fully aware of this and take responsibility via the careful use of energy and resources. In accordance with the internationally recognised standard ISO 50001 , we regularly check our actions and energy requirements. This allows us to discover potential savings quickly, meaning we can react with the appropriate measures.
OBO sustainability: We pledge ourselves to the 17 aims of the United Nations
The agenda of the United Nations for sustainable development 2030 focuses, through a total of 17 aims, on the reduction of poverty, protection of the planet and creation of global peace and justice. OBO pledges itself to these 17 aims and they serve as a benchmark to which we orient ourselves with the responsibility of a globally active company.

OBO Code of Conduct for social responsibility

OBO acknowledges its social responsibility in the framework of its corporate activities. With our "OBO Code of Conduct for social responsibility" ("CoC" for short), we set out what this means, in particular with regard to workplace conditions, social and environmental compatibility, as well as transparency, trusting cooperation and dialogue. The contents of this CoC are the expression of our shared value basis at OBO Bettermann.
The CoC is designed as a self-obligation and it supports us in realising the different general conditions in a global market and meeting the challenges and social expectations resulting from the increasingly networked cooperation in the added value chains.
Our Code of Conduct is orientated to the compliance directives that our umbrella organisation, Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e. V. (ZWEI), and its member companies have pledged themselves.