The promotion of art and culture is a further component of OBO's social commitment. For example, OBO sponsored and supported the "Dear Imaginary Audience" art installation of the New York artists Eva and Franco Mattes. In their installation "Personal Photographs", the two artists made the OBO RKS Magic cable trays into modern art. The installation has already been exhibited in exhibitions in Los Angeles, Montreal, Milan, Berlin and Zurich. OBO supplied the necessary RKS-Magic cable trays and other installation materials available free of charge.

The artists Eva and Franco Mattes have, since the mid-1990s, investigated the effects of the Internet on our lives and, in their work, reflect how networked images increasingly define our private and social behaviour. In their installation, the OBO cable trays materialise the circulation of networked images by snaking through the exhibition space, turning the otherwise abstract flow of information into a physical experience.
In the summer of 2023, the cooperation was continued through an exhibition by Eva and Franco Mattes at the Frankfurt Art Association. Here, an outdoor sculpture on the facade and in the interior rooms of the art association are planned.
This project corresponds to the following sustainability goals of the United Nations