Shaping a sustainable future together
At OBO, we are convinced that shaping a more sustainable future is easier when we work together. This is why we are members of numerous associations and interest groups. These include:

ABB: Ausschuss für Blitzschutz und Blitzforschung (Committee for Lightning Protection and Lightning Research)
The VDE Special Committee Lightning Protection and Research (VDE ABB) brings together experts in the areas of lightning protection, surge protection and lightning research from universities, industry, trade and user groups.

ZVEI: Verband der Elektro- und Digitalindustrie e.V. (German Electro and Digital Industry Association)
ZVEI represents the economic, technological and environmental policy interests of the German electro and digital industries.

DGNB: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen e.V. (German Sustainable Building Council)
Since its foundation in 2007, DGNB has been committed to proven good buildings, liveable districts and a sustainable built environment. The goal is the transformation of the construction and real estate market towards an appropriate understanding of quality as the basis for responsible, sustainable action.

VDE: Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik, Informationstechnik e. V.
(Association for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies)
VDE is one of Europe's largest technology organisations. It combines science, standardisation, testing, certification and application consulting. The VDE mark has been synonymous with the highest safety standards and consumer protection for 100 years.

ZVEH: Zentralverband der Deutschen Elektro- und Informationstechnischen Handwerke
(Central Association of the German Electrical and Information Technology Trades)
ZVEH represents the interests of 49,592 companies from the three trades of electrotechnology, information technology and electromechanical engineering

HEA:Fachgemeinschaft für effiziente Energieanwendung e.V. (Specialist Association for Efficient Energy Application)
HEA is committed to the cooperation of market partners and the promotion of energy efficiency.

Energieeffizienz- und Klimaschutz-Netzwerk in Menden (Energy Efficiency and Climate Protection Network in Menden)
The goal of this local network is to define noteworthy savings targets, learn from each other, and use energy more efficiently, in order to do something together for the climate in Menden.