Environmental product declaration

Countless OBO cable tray and mesh cable tray systems have an environmental product declaration

Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) provide information on environmental impacts

Environmental awareness is growing – both in society and in the construction sector. This matches an increasing requirement for reliable information on the potential environmental impacts of products. This requirement is fulfilled by the Environmental Product Declarations, or EPD for short.

As a standardised, fact-based source of information for the evaluation of product sustainability, the declarations represent a binding, generally valid basis. EPDs are required increasingly in public invitations to tender.

To provide our customers with all the necessary information on the possible environmental impacts of our products, and to provide them with the best possible support, countless OBO cable tray, mesh cable tray, cable ladder, wide span and mounting systems already possess Environmental Product Declarations. At the same time, this again shows the high value placed on the subject of sustainability at OBO.

The EPDs for our cable trays, mesh cable trays, cable ladders, wide span and mounting systems as well as the associated supports and brackets can be found quite easily here on the OBO website.

This project corresponds to the following sustainability goals of the United Nations